News Section
Create news posts for your website and keep your visitors up to date.
Activate the News Feature
First activate the "News Feature" in "Lay Options" → "Activate News Feature"
Create News Posts
Now go to "News" and create news posts.
Fill out the "excerpt" text field. This will be the preview text for your news.
Add a News Overview
Now let's add a news overview. Don't add this in a news post, add it to a page where you'd like an overview of your news like your frontpage for example.
On that page, in your Gridder click "+More" → "+News Element".
Set options on the left and add your news element to your page.
Footers for News
If you'd like your news posts to have a footer, you can set footer in "Lay Options" → "Footers" in case you have activated the footer feature in "Lay Options".
Navigation Between News
In your News Footer or somewhere in your news, create a "Next News" link or button.
Use titles of next/prev news
Any text inside this "Next News Link" can contain the text: $nextprojecttitle$. This will be replaced with the next news title.
Any text inside the "Previous News Link" can contain the text: $previousprojecttitle$. This will be replaced with the previous news title.